Case Study 1

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Case Study 1


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  • Census of Canada 1931 - Restaurant sector data research by gender and race
    Census records contain data that are mandated to be reported to enumerators by the head of household, however, there are many exceptions in practice, including the enumerator adding data that may not be accurate. These notes on searches of the 1931 census using new Ancestry handwriting recognition tools show anonymized results for Vancouver and New Westminster districts for women in the restaurant sector by occupation, work categories, and were identified as Black, Japanese, or Chinese under the "racial origin" category. See the attached "Bulletin No XXII, Population of Canada, 1931, By Racial Origins" for more details on how the 1931 Census represented these.
  • Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union International 31st General Convention: Canadian Caucus Minutes 1947
    Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union International 31st General Convention: Canadian Caucus Minutes April 1947. Vice President A.R. Johnstone. Sr. May Ansell Loc 28 Elected as Secretary
  • Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union International 31st General Convention: Election promotional card 1947
    Convention held in at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April 3, 1947. Election promotional card for C.T. McDonough General Secretary--Treasurer of the Hotel and Restaurant Employees' International Alliance and Bartenders' International Leagure of America. Collected by May Ansell [Martin].
  • Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union International 31st General Convention: Anti-Communist Small publications collection of May Ansell [Martin] 1947
    Convention held in at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April 3, 1947. Anti-Communist Small publications collected by May Ansell [Martin]
  • Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union International 31st General Convention: Newspaper clippings collection of May Ansell [Martin] 1947
    Convention held in at Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April 3, 1947. Ephemera collected by May Ansell [Martin]. Newspaper clippings.
  • HREU Local 28 1947 Executive Expulsion: November 13 and 17, 1947
    A research selection of items related to the 1947 expulsion of the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union Local 28 executive members. This selection includes: Correspondence between Archive R. Johnstone (Nov 13) and May Leniczek (Nov 1re establishment of a dual union.
  • HREU Local 28 1947 Executive Expulsion: November 12, 1947
    A research selection of items related to the 1947 expulsion of the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union Local 28 executive members. This selection includes: 1. Notice to all HREU Members 2. Multiple stapled notes, papers 3. Handwritten notice of meeting, Nov 12, 2 pages
  • HREU Local 28 1947 Executive Expulsion: November 10, 1947
    A research selection of items related to the 1947 expulsion of the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union Local 28 executive members. This selection includes: 1. Public Statement on HREU Loc 28 paper 2. Letter from Archie Johnstone, annotated
  • HREU Local 28 1947 Executive Expulsion: November 6,8,9 1947
    A research selection of items related to the 1947 expulsion of the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union Local 28 executive members. This selection includes: 1. Letter from Vancouver, New Westminster District Trades and Labor Council to May Leniczek Nov 6. 2.Notice of all-members meeting to be held November 9th, 1947 3. Letter to Archie R. Johnstone from May Leniczek, Sec. Bus. Agent HREU Local 28 asking him to attend special meeting of November 8th. 4. Minutes of the Citizens meeting Nov 9th. (2 images)
  • HREU Local 28 1947 Executive Expulsion: November 3, 1947
    A research selection of items related to the 1947 expulsion of the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union Local 28 executive members. This selection includes: 1. Letter to be read at Meeting from Bro. James G. Lyons, Trustee Local 28; 2. HREU Loc 28 notice of special meeting sent out by Archie Johnstone, International Vice President Trustee, Local 28.
  • HREU Local 28 1947 Executive Expulsion: November 1, 1947
    A research selection of items related to the 1937 expulsion of the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union Local 28 executive members. This selection includes: 1. Letter From Stanton and Munro to The Hon. J.W. DeB. Farris, Barrister and Solicitor re Archive Johnstone breaking HREU constitution that internal disputes are not taken to the press. November 1, 1947. Page 1 and 2. 2. Public Statement from HREU Local 28 regarding news coverage.
  • HREU Local 28 1947 Executive Expulsion: October 28, 1947
    A research selection of items related to the 1947 expulsion of the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union Local 28 executive members. This selection includes the following 1947 minutes: Special Executive Meeting Oct 18; Special Executive Meeting Oct 30; Special Meeting November 2; Special Executive meetings, convened between membership meetings, November 3; Special Joint Executive and Shop Stewards Meeting, November 7; State of of the Executive Committee, p1 and p2.
  • Hotel Vancouver c.1939 basement floor plans and architectural drawings
    Partial floor plan of the Hotel Vancouver [Owned by CN Railways opened 1939] basement. Includes parts of the cafeteria, the Men's Tavern, and the Barber Shop. The images are part of a Fairmont Vancouver Hotel webpage "THE VIBRANT GAY BAR OF HOTEL VANCOUVER IN THE 1940S".
  • [Douglas Cafe - Female Help Wanted]
    Newspaper want ads, commercials, and promotional writing with mentions of "white help", "white help only", "white cooks" are evident from at least the 1910s through the 1940s. The Douglas Cafe (from the mid-1920s to later-1940s) was a low-profile local cafe operating at 844 Main Street just south of Union, next to Hogan's Alley area, and just a few blocks south of Chinatown. This woman-owned restaurant was operated with the help of her two sisters. The three had left their Russia-born parents' home on the Prairies and come west to settle. The only advertising the cafe placed in newspapers was for help, almost exclusively female. All included "white help only" or equivalent statements. They were also members of the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union Local 28 from the 1920s, one of only a handful of restaurants east of Carrall Street to be organized. While a1980s interview with a member of the family speaks of the cafe, this aspect of their operation was not discussed. This example raises the issues of racial stereotypes, the historic discrimination in Vancouver against Black and Asian ethnicities, and the legacy ofviolence and harrassment of women in the restaurant sector.
  • Chief of Police, "W.W. Foster"
    Photograph of Vancouver Chief of Police W.W. Foster.
  • Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union, Local 28 Meeting Minutes - Researchers' Notes
    Researchers' notes on the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union Local 28 minute books. Select years: 1932-1933, 1935-1937, 1943, 1946-1948. The original meeting minutes are held at the UBC Rare Books and Special Collections, part of the Original HREU Local 28 minute books Fonds RBSC-ARC-1255 - Hotel, Restaurant and Culinary Employees' and Bartenders' Union, Local 40 fonds.
  • HREU Local 28 Response to White Waitresses in Chinatown Unemployment
    A the Regular Business Meeting of Local 28 held October 4, 1937, a resolution was unanimously passed to send a letter to Vancouver City Council saying the White waitresses in the Chinese restaurants "dismissed through the actions of City Council be supported by the Council at the same rate of pay they formerly received from their Chinese employers" as the women had been denied relief. The Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union Local 28 minutes to not include a copy of the letter, who brought the issue forward, or the response of the City.
  • You Can't Scare Me...I'm Stickin' to the Union: Women in British Columbia During the Great Depression
    A history of the organizing women in the 1930s. Constraints on labour, Women's labour leagues, fishing industry militancy, restaurant strikes, domestic workers conditions, garment workers, saleswomen,
  • Ask Protection for White Girls: Jury Urges Prevention of Their Employment by Orientals
    Coroner's Jury, on the murder of 20-year-old waitress, Mary Shaw, recommend "rigid enforcement ...of any legislation governing the employment of female white help by Orientals."
  • Do women trade unionists tell the truth? Some thoughts on oral history and the intrepretation of the past.
    An essay by Sara Diamond arguing for the value of women's subjectivities related to everyday lives as recorded in oral histories. A notation on the top of the page in Diamond's handwriting suggests this might become the intro to her unpublished manuscript on women's labour history in British Columbia.
  • 1931 Vancouver Waitress Strike: News and opinion sample
    Samples of letters to the editor and news reports about the Vancouver 1931 waitress strike. The strike was called on February 3, 1931. The strike was only minimally covered by the two leading newspaper publishers in British Columbia: The Province and the The Vancouver Sun. Responses to letters to the editor and their replies show a back and forth both sides of the battling parties. Examples of how union members use public forums to educate and rebutt. Feb 4 - Feb 25, 1931.
  • Crescent Cafe Strike Feb 11-15, 1937: Media coverage
    On Feburary 11, 1937, non-union waitresses of the Crescent Cafe, 251 East Hastings, went on strike for higher wages. The Crescent Cafe was part of the relief restaurant network. The waitresses joined the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union Local 28 shortly after walking out and Business Agent William "Bill" Stewart completed the initial negotiations on February 15 for a 2-week contract setting a union wage scale of $14 per week for experienced waitresses, $12 for new waitresses, and meals. This contract was "pending further investigations on the cost of its operation." [15 Feb Local 28 Regular Meeting minutes]. There is no follow-up in later minutes. In an unrelated news article the cafe manager is recorded as Mr. Jean Ming, suggesting the Crescent was Chinese-owned. If so, this might have been the first of its kind to be signed by Local 28. Newspaper coverage was minimal with The Province covering the start and end of the strike. Coverage by The Lumber Worker detailed the tactics of the striking waitresses and how the HREU negotiated with a reluctant employer.
  • VDTLC Minutes - Research selection 1947-1949
    VDTLC scanned minutes various years, related to Case Study 1 research spreadsheet CVA VDTLC Minutes 1930-1948 . This research selection covers the Vancouver and New Westminster District Trades and Labour Council meeting minutes from 1947-1949.
  • VDTLC Minutes - Research selection 1944 - 1946
    VDTLC scanned minutes various years, related to Case Study 1 research spreadsheet CVA VDTLC Minutes 1930-1948 . This research selection covers the Vancouver and New Westminster District Trades and Labour Council meeting minutes from 1944-1946.