Add Item

Welcome to the Add Item page! Here you can add new Archival Items to Crossing Fonds.

First, select a form with the dropdown menu below. The Minimal Metadata Set uses a simplified form with less metadata fields, while the Full Metadata Set, includes all the metadata fields used in Crossing Fond's Archival Item entities. When completed, click submit at the buttom of the page (please allow a moment for the item to submit).

Please only add items, metadata and/or media you have permission to share. Submitted items that are then approved of will be public for anyone to see. You will not be able to change or removed submitted items once submitted, so please keep that in mind before submitting. 

Your name and email are required with each submission. Pending admin approval, submitted Items can be viewed either in Browse All, or within the Collected Items page under Other


Add Archival Item (Minimal Metadat Set)

Add Archival Item (Full Metadata Set)