In item set
Researchers Guides and Notes
HREU Women Leaders - Florence Lucy nee Allen - Biographical Data
Research chart of biographical data about Florence Lucy nee Allen (1898-1960), waitress, Local Joint Executive Board Executive, and the first Lifetime Member of the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union Local 28. Allen was an Executive at the time of both purges of communists from HREU Local 28. Allen was a member of the HREU from at least 1919-1955. This is one of 30 biographical charts created about women who were on committees, served as delegates, or were on the Executives in the 1930s and 1940s. If you are a family member, please contact the researcher at -
Census of Canada 1931 - Restaurant sector data research by gender and race
Census records contain data that are mandated to be reported to enumerators by the head of household, however, there are many exceptions in practice, including the enumerator adding data that may not be accurate. These notes on searches of the 1931 census using new Ancestry handwriting recognition tools show anonymized results for Vancouver and New Westminster districts for women in the restaurant sector by occupation, work categories, and were identified as Black, Japanese, or Chinese under the "racial origin" category. See the attached "Bulletin No XXII, Population of Canada, 1931, By Racial Origins" for more details on how the 1931 Census represented these. -
Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union, Local 28 Meeting Minutes - Researchers' Notes
Researchers' notes on the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union Local 28 minute books. Select years: 1932-1933, 1935-1937, 1943, 1946-1948. The original meeting minutes are held at the UBC Rare Books and Special Collections, part of the Original HREU Local 28 minute books Fonds RBSC-ARC-1255 - Hotel, Restaurant and Culinary Employees' and Bartenders' Union, Local 40 fonds. -
Case Study 1: Oral Histories Research document
A thematic guide for the Women's Labour History Project oral histories. This work is ongoing. As of March 2024, we have drawn on oral histories from VIVO Media Arts Centre, SFU Archives, and newspaper interviews . We will soon be working on additions from other archives, like the BC Labour Heritage Centre. This multi-sheet xls spreadsheet includes (1) Object metadata for all interviews; (2) Interviewees biographical details; and (3) Research notes: select excerpts from the interview(s) and details related to our research questions (one sheet per interviewee) ID structure (1) Each interviewee is assigned a letter which is their "Subject ID" (A,B,C, etc.) (2) Each Object (research resource) is assigned an "Object ID" : a combination of the "Subject ID" and a number assigned to delineate each research resource (ie A1, A2, A3, etc). (3) Individual interviewees research sheet is identified using the individual's Subject ID followed by a colon and their surname (ie, A: Fawcett) About our Interviewee Biography sheet Drawing on publicly available resources and implementing genealogical strategies and proof standards, Knights expanded the biographies of the oral history participants. This assisted the researchers with clarifying timelines, locations, and confirming identifies. This latter step was required to ensure that we were researching the correct individual. The women regularly went by nicknames, middle names, maiden names if married, divorced surnames if single, Mrs or Miss irrespective of their actual marital status. It also gives insight into the way waitresses shifted marital status for protection, anonymity, or hirability. The biographic and demographic material also informs the interviewees own statements on why they became involved in union activity or activist movements. -
CS1 White Waitresses in Chinatown_Timeline of key events (In progress)
In progress: timeline of key events related to the issue of of White waitresses working in Chinatown, Vancouver, cafes and restaurants, and the subsequent implication and application of municipal and provincial regulations and laws. The final timeline will feature the actions by the waitresses implicated, political allies, and the Hotel Restaurant and Employees Union Local 28. Related unpublished resource include demographic and biographical data of the waitresses. Contact the researcher for access. -
Researcher Notes on various Labour History sources. 1930s. 1940s.
Sara Diamond's research notes from various sources. Good resource for communism and unions. -
CVA VDTLC Minutes 1930-1948: Researchers Notes
Researcher notes taken from Vancouver District Labour Council Minutes 1930-1948. -
Case Study 1: Thematic Guide (In progress)
The Thematic Guide for Case Study 1 records core data on our research resources for future analysis and as a guide for other researchers working on similar themes.