In item set
Case Study 1
The Chocolate Shop CafeThe Chocolate Shop Cafe [160 West Hastings Street - interior staff group]
Pete Pantages' new cafe "Peter Pan"Group portrait in front of 1180 Granville Street
Be Labouring Women's Imagery: The Work of the Women's Labour History Project. A Personal / Public Narrative by Sara Diamond. Presented at a Winnipeg Conference.Essay manuscript for "Be Labouring Women's Imagery: The Work of the Women's Labour History Project - A Personal / Public Narrative" by Sara Diamond.
Finding Aid - Sara Diamond fonds (SD)The Sara Diamond fonds spans her years in Vancouver as a member of the Revolutionary Workers League, Bread and Roses Collective, Amelia Productions, VIVO Media Arts Centre, and the Coalition for the Right To View. There are extensive materials related to Diamond’s Women’s Labour History Project, Code Zebra, curatorial projects, critical writing, educational materials, and independent video art. Diamond's fonds include photographic negatives (35mm) and prints, documents and publications (approx. 30m), audio recordings ( 200+ 1/4# and compact cassette), video recordings (500+ 3/4# Umatic, Betacam, Mini-DV), wearable art, and ephemera.
A Bibliography of Women's Trade Union History in BC 1935 - 1950This is a bibliography of sources for research into the history of women in the B.C. trade union movement. It covers a fifteen year period: 1935-1950. These years were chosen because they represent a time of dramatic changes both in the position of women within production and of the ideology and strength of the organized labour movement in the province. The material in this bibliography is located in the Lower Mainland area. There is additional primary material in the Public Archives of British Columbia, located in Victoria. Permission is needed to use trade union archives. [From the Introduction]
Women In Focus Production & Distribution Centre, Catalogue 1979 [Red stamp: “Plus Update”]A catalogue of Women In Focus Society produced videos and film to 1977. A 1980 update with international additions by outside producers, slide/sound presentations, leaflets.
[HREU Local 28 Union Restaurant List]A list with the header, Union Restaurants, with the names of Vancouver restaurants that are members of the Hotel and Restaurant Employees Union Local 28 in 1947.
It's Not Your ImaginationThis work examines the problem of sexual harassment of women in the workforce. Five women discuss their experiences of sexual harassment on the job, and two union representatives give their definitions of sexual harassment and examine the obligation of unions to protect their members from this form of discrimination. [Description provided by Women in Focus]
[Three waitresses pose outside The Empress Hotel, Victoria, Canada]Three waitresses pose outside the Canadian National Railway (CNR)-owned Empress Hotel In Victoria, Canada.
[March by BC Women in support of unions, better wages and working conditions.]A protest march by B.C. women in support of unions and better wages and working conditions.
[Paper mache figure used in the Muckamuck Strike]The images shows a paper mache full size figure of a woman that was used by supporters of the Muckamuck Strike, Vancouver, Canada
[Muckamuck Strike supporters action]Photo of two women strikers posing on a sidewalk with a human-sized fabric doll that has two skin complexions. All three figures hold signs of strike at Muckamuck, SORWUC Local 1 around their necks.
[Protest on the steps of the British Columbia Provincial Courthouse]A Protest on the steps of the British Columbia Provincial Courthouse in Vancouver. The image features a banner of the S.O.R.W.U.C. union.
Demonstration on Provincial Courthouse stepsDemonstration on Provincial Courthouse steps. Protesters hold up gay rights signs, include GATE (Gay Alliance Towards Equality)
Protest at Provincial Courthouse plazaVancouver protest. Image shows protesters holding Native Women Rights Now signs.
Burrard Dry Dock passBurrard Dry Dock pass for Mary Ansell, HREU representative. Original: printed card with signature.